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Oct. 25-26 Porsches at the Point event at Infineon
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TOPIC: Oct. 25-26 Porsches at the Point event at Infineon

Oct. 25-26 Porsches at the Point event at Infineon 16 years, 7 months ago #1832

  • pixrken
  • Moderator
  • NorCal 944-Spec Director
  • Posts: 579
NorCal will be adding the PRC's Porsches at the Point event to our schedule October 25-26 2008. Since this event is added mid-season you can race either the Oct 4-5 race at Thunderhill backwards or the October 25-26 race at Infineon. You can race both but only one October race will count for points.

The Porsches at the Point is a special Porsche only event.
NorCal 944-SPEC will be using this as a feature CASH race event starting next year and working towards a 944 only run group.

1. Ken #89
2. Aubie #27
3. Sid #38
4. Ron #130
5. Greg #43
6. Jim #12
7. Dan #4
8. Jerry #552
9. Todd #143
10. MD #127 or 271
Last Edit: 16 years, 5 months ago by pixrken.

Re:Oct. 25-26 Porsches at the Point event at Infineon 16 years, 6 months ago #2093

OK fellas, here is my scenario.

I have already raced 5 weekends but one of my races I had a DNF so really I have 9 races that I consider that counts towards my season finals. I know we are taking the best 12 races to determine the overall standings so I need to race 2 more weekends to finish out the season.

I was planning on racing in the extreme heat of Summer at Thunderhill this coming weekend 8/23-24 but since I now have the option of running at Infineon on 10/25-26 and also the last race at Infineon on 11/8-9, I think I might just flake on you guys for the August race.

I much prefer to run closer to home and not suffer in the extreme heat. I hope you guys stay cool and hydrated. Have fun and I'll see you at Porsches at the Point.
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Re:Oct. 25-26 Porsches at the Point event at Infin 16 years, 6 months ago #2145

  • pixrken
  • Moderator
  • NorCal 944-Spec Director
  • Posts: 579
We'll have trophies for this event plus at least $1,600 in contingencies and some fun raffle prizes.
Fishing set, basketball, soccer ball, airsoft guns, BBQ set, binoculars, tool set, cold stone creamery gift cards, plus a lot more to help you thru the off season.

Re:Oct. 25-26 Porsches at the Point event at Infineon 16 years, 6 months ago #2157

  • whaxed
  • Drivers Ed
  • Posts: 16
I'll be there. I'll be registering at the last minute because I spent all my money getting the car ready for the previous event, but I'll be there.
Last Edit: 16 years, 6 months ago by whaxed.

Re:Oct. 25-26 Porsches at the Point event at Infineon 16 years, 6 months ago #2158

  • JerryW
  • Endurance Racer
  • If you feel in control you arent going fast enough
  • Posts: 659
I'll be there too -- Refister probably late Sept
Jerry Whitteridge
Norcal #552

Re:Oct. 25-26 Porsches at the Point event at Infin 16 years, 6 months ago #2159

  • rd7839
  • Endurance Racer
  • Posts: 625
Count me in as well. Is anyone going to do T'hill backwards? If nobody else is going to race, i might just do a HPDE weekend and give rides to the wife.

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