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Points Updated After Aug 23-24 T-hill
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TOPIC: Points Updated After Aug 23-24 T-hill

Points Updated After Aug 23-24 T-hill 16 years, 6 months ago #2113

Points have been updated as of the Aug 23-24 races at Thunderhill.
Joe Paluch
944 Spec #94 Gina Marie Paper Designs
Arizona Regional 944 Spec Director, National Rules Coordinator
2006 Az Champion - 944 Spec Racer Since 2002

Re:Points Updated After Aug 23-24 T-hill 16 years, 6 months ago #2117

  • pixrken
  • Moderator
  • NorCal 944-Spec Director
  • Posts: 579
Thanks Joe,

With Rick's weekend wins and Greg missing the event, Rick clinched first for the NorCal 944-SPEC championships. Congratulations Rick!
With only four countable races left, it's now a fight for second and third between Jerry, Sid and Greg.
Last Edit: 16 years, 6 months ago by pixrken.

Re:Points Updated After Aug 23-24 T-hill 16 years, 6 months ago #2118

Ken you are correct.

The way it works out is a little complex, but Rick has 370 points in 4 Races of "drops" at this point in the season. 1 first and 3 2nds.

This means that in the remaining 4 races Rick will earn these back at least this many points irrespetive of his finishes. He could get a maximium of 400 with 4 wins, but will get at least 370.

Greg can score a maximum of 400 points in the 4 remaining races. Thus he can gain back at most 30 points over Rick. As it stands right now with drops considered he is 40 points back.

So yes Rick has won the championship. Nice job Rick.

The rest of the places in championship are open as while Greg does have a lead, Jerry has 300 points in drops that he can use and could leap frog all the drives ahear of him in points should they run into trouble in the remaining races or miss events.
Joe Paluch
944 Spec #94 Gina Marie Paper Designs
Arizona Regional 944 Spec Director, National Rules Coordinator
2006 Az Champion - 944 Spec Racer Since 2002

Re:Points Updated After Aug 23-24 T-hill 16 years, 6 months ago #2119

  • JerryW
  • Endurance Racer
  • If you feel in control you arent going fast enough
  • Posts: 659
Shhh Joe -- don't give the game away ! Everyone you've beeten me and don't need to turn up fro the rest of the season
Jerry Whitteridge
Norcal #552

Re:Points Updated After Aug 23-24 T-hill 16 years, 6 months ago #2123

Hmmm. I guess the best strategy is to go and race the first 12 races and get it out of the way and sit back and watch as the points race begins and if needed, run an additional race or two and try to get a higher finish so you can edge the other guy out.

I know I will race at least 1 more weekend but it all depends upon where I finish and how many points I get that will determine if I need to race the last weekend.

Jerry, I am not going to let you win that easily.
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