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BBQ, Swap Meet, this weekend in NAPA.
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NASA California North Region Website
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TOPIC: BBQ, Swap Meet, this weekend in NAPA.

BBQ, Swap Meet, this weekend in NAPA. 16 years, 5 months ago #2347

My friend Shawn is having a get together this weekend so if any 944 guys want to show up, they are more than welcomed.

Sunday October 5th 11 AM - 3 PM

Well as promised it was such a fun event last year with about 30 people showing up John and I have decided to do another one of these! We will have sausages, brauts, soda and water! BYOB and of course any parts or gear Porsche related that you would like to sell or trade! There is some parking for your Porsche in the large driveway, overflow on the street, so early bird etc..... Here is a map link 210 foothill Blvd. Napa, CA 2nd driveway north of Elm st.
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