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2008 awards & luncheon
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TOPIC: 2008 awards & luncheon

2008 awards & luncheon 16 years, 3 months ago #2657

  • pixrken
  • Moderator
  • NorCal 944-Spec Director
  • Posts: 579
NorCal 944-SPEC will be having it's awards luncheon on Sunday Dec. 7th, 2008 in San Francisco. It's a casual get together and everyone is welcome. There will be a modest $10 per person charge. Please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it to RSVP.

We will be presenting trophies to our 2008 season champions.
1st- Richard Lofgren
2nd- Greg Brandeau
3rd- Sidney Lee

We will also have our year-end prize table drawing.
There were ten 944-SPEC racers that ran in NorCal this year and there are ten prizes on the table. Every race that a 944-SPEC racer was able to start counts as a raffle ticket to the drawing. The drawing determines prize selection order only. Once a racer's name is drawn the rest of his tickets will be void. We will keep drawing till we get all ten names.

Here are the 2008 table prizes. In no particular prize value order.

This is a DeWalt 18V cordless impact wrench with two 18V batteries, charger and carrying case.

Sony BDP-S350 Blu-ray disc player. This is the latest generation with ethernet port for firmware updates and BD-Live ready.

Apple 8GB iPod touch. Latest generation with contoured, stainless steel design.
In addition to music, video and games it's WiFi capable for email and web browsing.

TomTom One XL widescreen bluetooth portable GPS navigator.

Aiptek HD-1 720P digital camcorder.
Jerry W. won one of these in last year's prize table. Rick and I were so impress with the image quality we each bought one. This is a updated version with built in 1GB memory and of course expansion via SD cards.

KLA Industries 944 strut brace.
There will be two of these on the prize table. i.e.- two individual prizes

These are bundle as one prize. Included is a cylinder leak-down tester kit, a brake bleeder and vacuum pump kit and a 7 piece body and fender repair kit. I hope no one has to use the body and fender repair kit.

BestBuy $125 gift card.

$100 in CASH.
This one requires a little explanation. I helped Jim Foxx pick up a '88 944 (944's are cheap in NorCal) and store it till the next time he came up to race. Jim wanted to give me some money for it but I wasn't going to take money to help out a fellow 944-SPEC racer. He said "why don't you put it towards the year-end prize table", so here it is.
Last Edit: 16 years, 3 months ago by pixrken.

Re:2008 awards & luncheon 16 years, 2 months ago #2753

  • pixrken
  • Moderator
  • NorCal 944-Spec Director
  • Posts: 579
Story here:

I was so nice to to see, talk and catch-up with everyone after the race season.
Jim Foxx was racing with the POC at Willow Springs so he couldn't make it.
Tom Spargo has his hands full and couldn't make it. Congrats to Tom Spargo and his wife on the new family members.

Re:2008 awards & luncheon 16 years, 2 months ago #2756

  • rd7839
  • Endurance Racer
  • Posts: 625
I know Kim & I had a great time. She really loves her TomTom gps which scored me a few brownie points(soon to be wiped away for the smallest infraction, real or imagined!). The food was really good, it was the first time I had had duck and I liked it. The restaurant being located in San Francisco in the heart of Chinatown was also a treat since we don't make it to the city often enough.

Congratulations to Rick, but that trophy is mine next year! It was also great seeing everyone else without a smelly racesuit on(maybe mine's the only one that smells and I blame it on whoever is closest?)

I really want to thank Ken for doing an outstanding job as series director. Without his hard work we would just be a group of racers, but instead I feel like a group of friends who race together. The prizes and sponsorship money isn't too bad either! I know he's helped me out personally going above and beyond just so I could make a race.

Anyway, hope to see you all soon and show off my new paint scheme(Orange with an 01 on the door, rebel flag on the roof? Maybe!)

Ron & Kim
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