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Infinion - June
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NASA California North Region Website

TOPIC: Infinion - June

Infinion - June 15 years, 10 months ago #4341

  • Big Dog
  • Banned
  • Posts: 700
OK, guys. This is to get you all thinking about Infinion at the end of June. Make sure you have racing budget and husband points available to make this race.

Lock up the women, kids and pets, Charlie B. and Big Dog are planning to come up to race with you all. Get everyone's cars preped and ready.

Ken, I don't want to hear no stinking excuses for anyone not coming out to race. Whip up the troops.

Charlie has a motorhome as well and we will set up a 944 compound in the usual area. Who will be around on Friday evening? Let me know so we can plan something for Friday afternoon/evening. Will NASA be doing something Saturday evening? If not, let's plan something.

I am looking forward to seeing everyone again.

Big Dog
Jim Foxx

Re:Infinion - June 15 years, 9 months ago #4346

  • pixrken
  • Moderator
  • NorCal 944-Spec Director
  • Posts: 579
Hi Jim,

Infineon in June is very nice.
I don't think it'll take a lot of prodding to get folks to this race and I expect a full grid except maybe Steve who might still be in Hawaii?

NASA will have a BBQ dinner Saturday evening.

Looking forward to seeing you guys!

I'm starting a list here:
1. Ken
2. Jim
3. Charlie
4. Aubie
5. Sid
6. Jerry
7. Dan
8. Rick
9. Greg
Last Edit: 15 years, 8 months ago by pixrken.

Re:Infinion - June 15 years, 9 months ago #4349

  • Big Dog
  • Banned
  • Posts: 700
WHAT! Hawaii in June. What is he thinking. As the series director, order him to cut his trip short and get back for the race.

Big Dog
Jim Foxx

Re:Infinion - June 15 years, 9 months ago #4400

  • Jump07
  • Senior Racer
  • Posts: 126
I'm on the waiting list for HPDE. It sold out quick. I hope I get a spot.
Jeremy Mathews
1985 944 #07
2003 GMC 1500 Sierra Z71

Re:Infinion - June 15 years, 9 months ago #4402

  • Big Dog
  • Banned
  • Posts: 700
OK, Ken, this is where you use you raw power as the most important series director in Nor Cal to get him into HPDE.

We need more 944 racers.

Big Dog
Jim Foxx

Re:Infinion - June 15 years, 9 months ago #4422

  • Jump07
  • Senior Racer
  • Posts: 126
Yeah Ken....Call Jerry and get me a spot! I'm itchin' to drive fast!
Jeremy Mathews
1985 944 #07
2003 GMC 1500 Sierra Z71
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