Mychron 3 Plus/Gold Auto. This unit has the G-meter built into the unit. It is not a separate box like the newer units so it should not be steering wheel mounted.
The display includes Tach, 1- temp, 1- pressure, shift lights, warning lights for high or low temps and pressures, lap time, voltage and speed.
1- Mychron 3 Plus/Gold Auto display with internal G meter
1- Temp sensor
1- wheel speed sensor
1- lap reciever sensor
1- oil pressure sensor
3- extension cables for sensors
1- software disk
1- USB download cable
1- manual
1- Compaq Pressario 1700 laptop with AC and DC charger cords and soft case
The bad: the #4 channel plug was accidentally cut off by me when removing from car. This still leaves one open channel using the provided sensors. The Lap and Speed sensors have dedicated channels.
The transmitter got lost somewhere, but someone usually has one at the track set up at start/finish. Transmitters are available from AIM Sports.
$500 OBO
Charlie Buzzetti 805-286-1732 or bajabuzz at yahoo dot com for pics