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If you build it, will they come? (FL)
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TOPIC: If you build it, will they come? (FL)

If you build it, will they come? (FL) 13 years, 9 months ago #10917

  • UFfitz56
  • Comp School
  • Posts: 26
Hey guys, I have been lurking these forums for awhile and all the info has been great. I have been really interested in building a spec 944 instead of dumping more money into my s2000, but it seems like a very unpopular class here in florida. I was wondering what you all thought about going ahead with my plans for a 944 build even though there isn't a lot of others in the area? Seems like I could still stay competitive in PTD but I am really hoping to see this class grow here florida. I guess I just trying to talk myself out of spec 944 but I can't really think of any options I like better. Any help or opinions would be great!

Re: If you build it, will they come? (FL) 13 years, 9 months ago #10920

944 spec is not unpopular in Florida. It just has not had anyone start building cars to get the series rolling.

Build it and they wil come. That is how the series has grown. I have been in this class since day 1 back in 2002. It has grown, but takes 2 things. First are cars on ground. Second is someone willing to bring the car out to events and promote it to friends and other car people. It has been the same story in every region we run in. Somebody has to be first.

As for being competitive PTD? Well depends on who is in PTD locally. Our cars are better matched to PTE, but since our rules are built for our cars they do not maximize the allowances in PT or minimize the points taken. So many top 944 spec builds are PTD, but some could be PTE. In PTD we can win races, but it is track dependant and dependant on how strong a PTD field there is. Really it is better to race 944-spec as your class so that other see you out there. On track you will be racing the same cars anyway.
Joe Paluch
944 Spec #94 Gina Marie Paper Designs
Arizona Regional 944 Spec Director, National Rules Coordinator
2006 Az Champion - 944 Spec Racer Since 2002

Re: If you build it, will they come? (FL) 13 years, 9 months ago #10921

You are where I was in 2006/7. Joe, Chuck, and Tim were very supportive. I bought a car from The Rocky Mountain Region, and made a big deal to my friends and online about how much fun I was having. The first year, I raced alone, while building contacts, but always as a 944 Spec Car. The one guy in 944 Cup tried to get me to run in that class, but I didn't want to spend the money to be competitive, and wanted to promote 944 Spec. The class grew to 5 the second year, and soon after, the 944 Cup driver de-modded his car to run with us. The class has continued to grow, year over year. The one thing that you might have to contend with is that SE30 seems popular down there, though I'm not sure about Florida itself.

If you decide to pursue this, you'll get a lot of support here, that's for sure!
Eric Kuhns

National Director Emeritus

2007, & 2008 National Champion
2011, 2012 2nd
Last Edit: 13 years, 9 months ago by Sterling Doc.

Re: If you build it, will they come? (FL) 13 years, 9 months ago #10924

  • UFfitz56
  • Comp School
  • Posts: 26
Thanks! Yea one of the most appealing aspects of 944 spec is the community. Now I just gotta find a the right donor car. Are there any areas of the car I should be looking at specifically when looking for rust?

Re: If you build it, will they come? (FL) 13 years, 9 months ago #10927

944's are not very prone to rust due being galvanized. The few that have have been pretty neglected. Look around the the bottom front of the rear fender, by the suspension pick up point, the battery box, and see if the floors are damp. They would occasionally leak, and collect water in the footwells.

There are some good build threads to follow here. Build the engine right, once and you'be rewarded with many years of trouble free racing. Cut corners there, and you risk big repairs.
Eric Kuhns

National Director Emeritus

2007, & 2008 National Champion
2011, 2012 2nd

Re: If you build it, will they come? (FL) 13 years, 8 months ago #11063

  • UFfitz56
  • Comp School
  • Posts: 26
So.. I got my car!! It arrived today and everything looks good. Except the suspension is embarrassingly squeaky! Is this normal or are the some bushings that need grease? Other the that I couldn't beat the deal. 83 with 88 drivetrain for 5k! I am actually gonna have to de-mod it to make it spec legal. I think I have to take off the headers, brake bias adjuster, and msd ignition, but I will take me prob about a year to get my NASA license I am solo qualified with chin motorsports but I have never attended a nasa event so I will just start with an instructor (I'm sure I could use it). I am excited and can't wait!

Thanks again for all the help!
Last Edit: 13 years, 8 months ago by UFfitz56.
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