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TOPIC: windshield

windshield 13 years, 3 months ago #12281

  • rd7839
  • Endurance Racer
  • Posts: 625
My car's on a diet this winter and the glass windshield has to go. It's cracked side to side anyway, so is there a trick to getting it out? The car's a '86.

Santa also said she, I mean he will bring me a lexan windshield if I can find the place to get them. Is the place called "Racing Metal" where most guys are getting theirs?

Re: windshield 13 years, 3 months ago #12282

  • Big Dog
  • Banned
  • Posts: 700
Ron, I was going to get that info to you, sorry. Sterling Doc found the source at The last time I looked, lexan windshields were not listed on the site. As Eric suggested, I called and got the information. I ordered some at about $35 each. Shipping for six of them was about $35 or so.

I made a paper template of the glass windshield before removing it and used that to cut the lexan with a 4" angle grinder. I think a saw will work as well. I made some al. clips to hold it in. I got some weatherstripping from Pep Boys to put into the recess and cushion the lexan.

I am sure there are others with their own methods of installing and will offer up ideas here, as well.

Big Dog
Jim Foxx

Re: windshield 13 years, 3 months ago #12286

  • RacerX
  • Endurance Racer
  • Posts: 351
They usually come with some tear-offs on them too. My windshield install is here.

I used plywood spacers to hold the windshield out even with the body. I also used the old windshield for a template and a jig saw for cutting. If you can take it outside to cut it do so as it makes a big mess, gets over everything and makes the floor slick. Once cut, I'd also put some clear tape around the tear-offs to keep water from getting behind them. I should have done this but did not know. Water got behind them and I had to remove all of them.
Ken Frey #3 944-Spec MW Region

"Racing is life! Anything that happens before or after is just waiting."

Check out my build thread!!

Re: windshield 13 years, 3 months ago #12287

  • JerryW
  • Endurance Racer
  • If you feel in control you arent going fast enough
  • Posts: 659
rd7839 wrote:
My car's on a diet this winter and the glass windshield has to go. It's cracked side to side anyway, so is there a trick to getting it out? The car's a '86.

Santa also said she, I mean he will bring me a lexan windshield if I can find the place to get them. Is the place called "Racing Metal" where most guys are getting theirs?

Hammer gets it out fast
Jerry Whitteridge
Norcal #552
Last Edit: 13 years, 2 months ago by JerryW.

Re: windshield 13 years, 2 months ago #12288

Windshields can be a real PITA to remove - the tar glue holding them in is tenacious. The pros use a long handled razor blade tool to cut the seal. I've seen them at Harbor Freight and it might be worth picking one up.

Re: windshield 13 years, 2 months ago #12289

  • Big Dog
  • Banned
  • Posts: 700
I used the "Brute Force" method, Steve.

You are right, having a proper tool would be worth whatever the cost is.

After getting the glass out, there is still a good bit of work to get the last of the black stuff off of the windshield. We used curved blade knives, wood chisels, and, finally, a wire wheel to get the last of it off.

The good news is that I will never have to deal with it again. I will try the clear tape idea to protect the tear off's.

Big Dog
Jim Foxx
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