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Autoclub Mar 3,4 - Entrant List Race/DE
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TOPIC: Autoclub Mar 3,4 - Entrant List Race/DE

Autoclub Mar 3,4 - Entrant List Race/DE 13 years ago #12834

Here is the Entrant list both Racing and DE - This split out from the other thread that was getting a bit long.

With car numbers and descriptions to make it easier to figure out who is who (BTW.. help me fill in some missing info) and should help with paddock set-up on Friday.

Total count = 20 cars.
Link to event schedule.

Garage Assignments - 944 spec race group in Grarage 3 (West side)

We are Group A with spec Miata's
Key Times

Sat & Sunday
warm up - 9:00am
Qual - 10:45am,
Race Driver's meeting 12:05pm
Race - 1:25pm - 35 Min

Racing - Registered
1. Team #8 White - Az (Paul Lynch/Tage Evason)
2. Tyler Palmer #4 Green - So-Cal
3.Peter Busalacchi # - So-Cal
4. Thomas Atteberry # - So-Cal
5. Eric Kuhns - 924S Blue CRE Rental - Mid West
6. Neal Agran - Rental - Mid West
7. Rob Davis #20 Red/Blue - Az - Flat tow/SUV
8. Robert Hohler # - SoCal
9. Rafi Gogus # - SoCal
10. Norman Hamden #99 Gold/Blue - Az -Flat tow/Suburban
11. Jim Hicks # - So Cal
12. Jim Richmond #35 Blue/White/Black - So Cal
13. Timothy Comeau # - SoCal
14. Josef Paluch II #94 Red/White - Az - Truck 24ft enclosed
15. Everett DeLano # - Socal
16. John Niedernhofer # - SoCal

Racers Not registered
17. John Rickard #77 yellow - SoCal

1. Greg Gillum - Marron 944 - (Az) HPDE2 Sunday only
2. Ian McIntyre in HPDE 1 - SoCal
3. Eddie Hillard (SoCal) HPDE 1 on Saturday only

Event Friday 5:30 gates open to parking.
Saturday eventing 944 BBQ - Details TBD but we will all need to chip in something to for this as NASA is not covering it.

On a side note.. Google maps aerial photo (once you zoom in) was taken at NASA event. I see Tim Comeau's red car and big red tent.
Joe Paluch
944 Spec #94 Gina Marie Paper Designs
Arizona Regional 944 Spec Director, National Rules Coordinator
2006 Az Champion - 944 Spec Racer Since 2002
Last Edit: 13 years ago by joepaluch.

Re: Autoclub Mar 3,4 - Entrant List Race/DE 13 years ago #12835

  • dmdirks
  • Moderator
  • Posts: 172
Oh, man. This looks like a blast!! Wish I could be there!
David Dirks
2010 944-Spec National Champion
Rocky Mountain Region

Re: Autoclub Mar 3,4 - Entrant List Race/DE 13 years ago #12836

Just do it Dave! Won't be the same with out you! When your 90 years old, you will be more glad that you went than sad!
Norman #99

Re: Autoclub Mar 3,4 - Entrant List Race/DE 13 years ago #12837

  • dmdirks
  • Moderator
  • Posts: 172
Hahaa!! Thanks for putting things into perspective, Norm. According to Michelle 90 isn't too far away for me!

Let's see... 2,046 miles round trip... I'll just throw on some studded snows on the 944 and head out!
David Dirks
2010 944-Spec National Champion
Rocky Mountain Region

Re: Autoclub Mar 3,4 - Entrant List Race/DE 13 years ago #12838

dmdirks wrote:
Hahaa!! Thanks for putting things into perspective, Norm. According to Michelle 90 isn't too far away for me!

Let's see... 2,046 miles round trip... I'll just throw on some studded snows on the 944 and head out!

Norm would do it. This is why 944 Spec cars have adjustable ride height!
Eric Kuhns

National Director Emeritus

2007, & 2008 National Champion
2011, 2012 2nd
Last Edit: 13 years ago by Sterling Doc.

Re: Autoclub Mar 3,4 - Entrant List Race/DE 13 years ago #12840

Actually it's suppose to snow in Sedona tonight and it's 900 miles round trip! So now what, you have to stay home to color Easter eggs? We can probably find you a car to drive if you want to fly in.
Norman #99
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