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Tire cost?
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TOPIC: Tire cost?

Tire cost? 14 years ago #9781


What are you guys seeing for RA-1 costs out West?

Locally, RA-1's run from $152-$160 per tire, plus $15 for shaving. For the $160 cost, I get them delivered to the track, and don't pay tax.

I just bought a set of 4 for $668 + tax, that I pick up locally.

I'm curious if we can leverage the size of our class for a group buy to lower the cost for the upcoming season, and also see how much costs vary regionally
Eric Kuhns

National Director Emeritus

2007, & 2008 National Champion
2011, 2012 2nd

Re: Tire cost? 14 years ago #9782

I just had some delivered using Toyo bucks. Toyos Only was $157 + $20 shaving + $15 shipping for each tire to Santa Clara (they are in Phoenix). I also checked Phil's Tire and they were more expensive.

Sounds like ~ $192 shipped per shaved tire to NorCal. If you have Toyo Bucks, they only charge shaving and shipping.

If you were negotiating a large group buy for delivery at a track, don't forget mounting and balancing. Out here, it is around $20/tire at local shops and that adds up.

Re: Tire cost? 14 years ago #9784

  • B1BFlyer
  • Senior Racer
  • Posts: 111
I'm definitely in on a group buy if it goes down soon enough since I need 6 of them just to get on the track with spares. I've only got the old 888's from the previous owner

Best I could find online was around 150, but they only had 1 in stock. I'm going to stop by the local tire shops on the way home and find out what they charge.

Ryan Peterson
Abilene, TX
924s, #21

Oversteer scares passengers, understeer scares drivers.

Re: Tire cost? 14 years ago #9786

  • Chris
  • Seasoned Racer
  • Schmores
  • Posts: 197
last time i bought them they were 165.00 +20 to shave.

just fyi- nittos are 127.00 right now, no shaving required.

NASA Rocky Mountain Region
#2 blue/ yellow 1985.5 944 (sold)
new car- 2006 late model howe chassis road race stock car.

HPDE 3 Group Leader

Re: Tire cost? 14 years ago #9787

  • B1BFlyer
  • Senior Racer
  • Posts: 111
Well I just got back from the local tire shops, no one in Abilene shaves tires, and they all want $200+tax per tire. I'm either ordering online or stealing someone's tires!

Ryan Peterson
Abilene, TX
924s, #21

Oversteer scares passengers, understeer scares drivers.

Re: Tire cost? 14 years ago #9789

In the short term, I know Frisby Race Tire in Beloit, Wisc., has them for $152 + $15 shaving. They have at least 2 sets at this price now.

Let them know you're from 944 Spec to get this price
Eric Kuhns

National Director Emeritus

2007, & 2008 National Champion
2011, 2012 2nd
Last Edit: 14 years ago by Sterling Doc.
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