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Nationals Schedule
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TOPIC: Nationals Schedule

Nationals Schedule 13 years, 6 months ago #11368

Here's the tentative schedule - run sessions, and optional extras included. All times are Eastern Time.

Wednesday Test n Tune:

8:50 AM - 944 run group
11:25 AM - 944 run group
1:40 PM - 944 run group
3:00 PM - 944 run group
4:15 PM - 944 run group

5:00 PM Talk/coaching session on how to get around Mid-Ohio by Neal Agran, and Eric Kuhns
This is open to all, and optional

6:00 PM Mandatory Drivers meeting - if you cannot be there, you must designate a proxy ahead of time

9:20 AM - Warmup
11:05 AM - Qualifying
Noon - Michael Skeen on how a pro gets around Mid-Ohio, with tips + Q&A session
This is also open to all, and optional
3:20 PM - Qualifying Race

6:00 PM "Shawshank Redemption" Prison Tour & NASA Dinner
This is optional - purchase tickets through NASA $10/person


9:20 AM - Warmup
11:05 AM - Qualifying
3:20 PM Qualifing Race

10:20 AM - Warmup
3:05 PM- 944 Spec Championship Race - broadcast on live Speedcast
Tech & awards to follow

Sunday - free time, watch GTS/PT races, bench race, or get home early.

More details to come, and some changes to be made as needed.
Eric Kuhns

National Director Emeritus

2007, & 2008 National Champion
2011, 2012 2nd
Last Edit: 13 years, 6 months ago by Sterling Doc.
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