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You learn something new every day-early bumpers
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TOPIC: You learn something new every day-early bumpers

You learn something new every day-early bumpers 12 years ago #15217

Early bumpers are heavy!

I though the late bumpers that I was used to dealing with were beefy. I had never held, or inspected an early bumper before. Early bumpers are massive castings, vs. merely thick formed pieces of the late bumpers. Sans bumperettes, the early front bumper is about 26 lbs , vs. 17 for the late bumpers. I didn't get a change to inspect or weigh the early rear bumper, and it is smaller, but I would suspect that it is cast, and heavier as well.

So if your early car needs to lose 15lbs or so, take those monsters in for recycling (it is aluminum), and find a late bumper with the $$.
Eric Kuhns

National Director Emeritus

2007, & 2008 National Champion
2011, 2012 2nd
Last Edit: 12 years ago by Sterling Doc.
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