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Short 5th question
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TOPIC: Short 5th question

Re: Short 5th question 11 years, 3 months ago #16423

  • Kurt R
  • Comp School
  • Posts: 34
Eric, could you conduct an informal poll at nationals?
Q1 - "Is anyone running a 5th from a turbo or 944s, and if you are, did you burn out the bearings?" "
Q2 - "If you did, was it an early or late transmission" (speed sensor or no)?

Re: Short 5th question 11 years, 3 months ago #16448

I will try and remember to take a poll for you, kurt.
Eric Kuhns

National Director Emeritus

2007, & 2008 National Champion
2011, 2012 2nd

Re: Short 5th question 11 years, 3 months ago #16485

I have tried installing the short fifth from my turbo and once installed, the trans is locked in fourth gear. When you upgrade, are you only changing the two bottom gears or the whole top gear group?
#4 86 944
Fast Tater Motorsports

Re: Short 5th question 11 years, 3 months ago #16486

  • Kurt R
  • Comp School
  • Posts: 34
You're changing all the parts in the picture I posted a few posts up - for me it's on page 2. Since you have yours apart, or it sounds like you'll be disassembling it again, can you look inside the "shifting gears" and confirm the turbo is different, there's no oil groove or oil holes?

Re: Short 5th question 11 years, 3 months ago #16487

I changed the "whole" group and followed the write up, but there is something that I am doing that is causing it to lock up in fourth gear. When I mean lock up, once I finish reassembling it is stuck in fourth gear. I am planning on disassembling this weekend. I will make a point to take pictures.
#4 86 944
Fast Tater Motorsports
Last Edit: 11 years, 3 months ago by FastTater.

Re: Short 5th question 11 years, 3 months ago #16488

  • Kurt R
  • Comp School
  • Posts: 34
When the transmission is disassembled it's possible to move the 3-4 synchro hub too far, and those 3 little tabs will jump out of place, making it impossible to move the synchro hub back again. I hope that isn't what happened.
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