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Fuel Tank Drain
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TOPIC: Fuel Tank Drain

Fuel Tank Drain 11 years, 7 months ago #16293

  • AgRacer
  • Administrator
  • Posts: 712
Anyone ever come up with an easy way to drain the fuel tank on a regular basis so as to better regulate how much is in there? Id rather not pump off the fuel rail around a hot engine if possible.

Since I am redoing my electrical system, I will have the ability to turn the fuel pump on and off independently. That's got me wondering about this since I have never had a good idea of what I was carrying around.

I will also be redoing my dash with an autometer fuel level gauge so hopefully that will help my ability to read tank levels.
J. Stanley
NASA-SE Region 944 Spec Series Director
Yellow #60

Re: Fuel Tank Drain 11 years, 7 months ago #16296

  • joeblow
  • Seasoned Racer
  • Old Racer
  • Posts: 226
I was going to do it at the rail but if OK by the rules it could be plumbed at the pump with a three way ball valve with a nipple to just hook up a hose too and pump out to a jerry can.
Old Racer!

Re: Fuel Tank Drain 11 years, 7 months ago #16299

  • AgRacer
  • Administrator
  • Posts: 712
I read the below as you can install a tank drain/sampling port and fuel cell but everything between the tank and the rubber lines that connect to the fuel rail must remain stock.

Wouldn't the best place to put a drain be at the back of the car next to the pump like you are thinking? I think the most convenient place would be under the hood, but Id rather not open myself up to a faulty valve venting under the hood.

13.6 Fuel Delivery System
All components of the fuel delivery system must remain stock and unmodified, except for the
13.6.1 The stock fuel tank may be replaced with a fuel cell(s) conforming to the NASA CCR’s,
located in the rear of the car no farther forward than the forward edge of the stock tank. The
maximum capacity of the fuel cell system is 21.1 gallons.
13.6.2 Any fuel cap may be used.
13.6.3 A fuel sampling port maybe added.
13.6.4 A fuel tank drain system maybe added.
13.6.5 Rubber fuel lines from the chassis to the fuel rail may be replaced or modified. Any
covering or heat shielding allowed on these lines in the interest of fire prevention.
J. Stanley
NASA-SE Region 944 Spec Series Director
Yellow #60

Re: Fuel Tank Drain 11 years, 7 months ago #16302

  • cbuzzetti
  • Endurance Racer
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I am using the fuel rail and as long as you let the system lose pressure before opening it is a non issue.
I found an off the shelf clear reinforced hose at the hardware store that fits perfectly over the threaded fitting of the fuel rail. The only spill I have had was me not paying close enough attention and over filling my 5 gallon gas can
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