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My Winter Build Journal
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TOPIC: My Winter Build Journal

Re:My Winter Build Journal 16 years, 2 months ago #2741

"Paluching" sounds kind of gross OR if seen at a night it could be funny...

Re:My Winter Build Journal 16 years, 2 months ago #2743

Chris wrote:
I know, I know, but "Paluching around" doesnt have a ring to it

Kind of sounds dirty...
Joe Paluch
944 Spec #94 Gina Marie Paper Designs
Arizona Regional 944 Spec Director, National Rules Coordinator
2006 Az Champion - 944 Spec Racer Since 2002

Re:My Winter Build Journal 16 years, 2 months ago #2757

  • Chris
  • Seasoned Racer
  • Schmores
  • Posts: 197
heres a quick update on the build.
Last night I stopped by Dave Wright's house and he graciously let me use his fire pit. Some hot coals, a torch, 30 minutes on the fire and the bushings crumbled away.

Fire Good!


NASA Rocky Mountain Region
#2 blue/ yellow 1985.5 944 (sold)
new car- 2006 late model howe chassis road race stock car.

HPDE 3 Group Leader

Re:My Winter Build Journal 16 years, 2 months ago #2758

  • Chris
  • Seasoned Racer
  • Schmores
  • Posts: 197
FOr some reason the front pieces of the welt poly bushings slid on easy but the rears required some incentive from my hammer.
here they are on the pieces

Im now in the process of putting the rear back together... what a pain, I't seems like its a two person job too.

NASA Rocky Mountain Region
#2 blue/ yellow 1985.5 944 (sold)
new car- 2006 late model howe chassis road race stock car.

HPDE 3 Group Leader

Re:My Winter Build Journal 16 years, 2 months ago #2924

  • Chris
  • Seasoned Racer
  • Schmores
  • Posts: 197
Not too much to report on. Rear end work is done. I ordered a bunch of parts yesterday and till they get here Ive started fixing a bunch of little things. My cam cover gasket is leaking pretty bad so I removed that and it makes access to that rear leaking gasket easier.

sanded down that bad fender to prepare for paint. Also went through the wiring getting rid of whatever is not needed and cleaning up burnt stuff. All of my belts are now removed to replace the timing belt, not sure if mine was burnt in the fire and I dont want to take any chances.

naked car getting ready for paint

NASA Rocky Mountain Region
#2 blue/ yellow 1985.5 944 (sold)
new car- 2006 late model howe chassis road race stock car.

HPDE 3 Group Leader
Last Edit: 16 years, 2 months ago by Chris.

Re:My Winter Build Journal 16 years, 1 month ago #3225

  • Chris
  • Seasoned Racer
  • Schmores
  • Posts: 197
Got alot done just havent updated in a while.
I ordered some Hawk DTC 70s for the front and 60s for the back. During installation I ran into a snag, apparantly my right rear caliper was rusted and siezed up, no amount of hammering or prying would break it loose. Big thanks to Dave Wright for letting me have a spare caliper he had from a "spare" car. After that fun job i had to bleed the brakes, I hadnt bled them since the beginning of last season so it was probably a good idea, though my brake fluid look clear and brand new. With that job completed I was able to put the car back on the ground for the first time in months!

Just feeling the bounce in the rear suspension there is a dramatic difference, the poly bushings really made a big difference. After driving the car around the block the feel was also much better without the rear bouncing around, im excited for next season!

not too much left on the car...

NASA Rocky Mountain Region
#2 blue/ yellow 1985.5 944 (sold)
new car- 2006 late model howe chassis road race stock car.

HPDE 3 Group Leader
Moderators: joepaluch, tcomeau, KLR
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