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Dies off throttle/coming to a stop...
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TOPIC: Dies off throttle/coming to a stop...

Dies off throttle/coming to a stop... 13 years, 11 months ago #10296

85.5 944 - just drove it for the first time around the neighborhood.

It dies without giving it some gas when cold, it will start up OK without giving it gas but then immed dies. I figured it was d/t ISV delete but its still under the intake and appears to be hooked up.

Once it warms up (5 min or so) it seems to idle OK, but coming off throttle to a hard stop/clutch in the rpms drop and it dies. Did it 3x times when I drove it prob less than 1-2 miles - kind of annoying.

I just replaced the vac lines last night so it shouldnt be that. My guess would be TPS, AFM? Once its warmed up the ISV should be irrelevant yes/no?

Anyone got a spare TPS/AFM I could buy to have a spare for this weekend just in case?

I can reach in and fire my turbo without driving it for 3 months and have it idle perfect, I want that!

thanks sam
85.5 944 Spec #51 - Midwest
86 951

Re: Dies off throttle/coming to a stop... 13 years, 11 months ago #10321

Throttle position switch or bad idle valve. It should closed when warm, but could be stuck open.

I had some issues in my car that were resolved by cleaning the idle valve. Still it has low cold idle and high warm idle. Not ideal, but the car no longer hiccups on idle or stall on hot idle. I probably need a new idle control valve. Could also be that my throttle cable is too thigh not letting the throttle position think close at idle. It was tight, but I forgot to loosen just s bit.
Joe Paluch
944 Spec #94 Gina Marie Paper Designs
Arizona Regional 944 Spec Director, National Rules Coordinator
2006 Az Champion - 944 Spec Racer Since 2002
Last Edit: 13 years, 11 months ago by joepaluch.

Re: Dies off throttle/coming to a stop... 13 years, 11 months ago #10353

Thanks Joe! I just ordered a new TPS from Paragon and we are going to pull the intake Wed night and probably just delete the ISV altogether and check some hoses under there as they look pretty tired.

As always no matter how well I plan or how much time I have I always end up chasing/taking the car apart the day before I leave for the track, ugh! At the shop for an alignment today, the drive to the shop in the rain this AM was interesting. Only died 2x in 2 miles, neat.
85.5 944 Spec #51 - Midwest
86 951

Re: Dies off throttle/coming to a stop... 13 years, 11 months ago #10357

Sorry Sam. Several of my cars have been cold blooded - thought it was due to deleting the ISV, so the orange car seemed normal to me. I just had to keep my foot in it a bit when cold, but it seemed to run fine when warm. No stalls puttering around the neighborhood. Also, I have no idea how old the gas is that is in it.
Eric Kuhns

National Director Emeritus

2007, & 2008 National Champion
2011, 2012 2nd

Re: Dies off throttle/coming to a stop... 13 years, 11 months ago #10361

Yeah I put some 93 in it already, figured that gas was ancient. My buddy Ben is coming over wed night with some intake gaskets, I should have the TPS by then and we can delete the ISV and see what happens. Its probably sticking if it just decided to start acting funny.
85.5 944 Spec #51 - Midwest
86 951

Re: Dies off throttle/coming to a stop... 13 years, 11 months ago #10422

The TPS adjustment is SOOOOO far off. The TPS "clicks" after about 2 inches of rotation on the throttle

Q: If the new correctly adjusted TPS solves the problem great. If not can I just unplug the ISV without any ill effects for just this weekend? The car immediately idled higher but didnt die when it was cold with it unplugged - didnt drive it yet though...
85.5 944 Spec #51 - Midwest
86 951
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