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Rule 13.3.1 "Short Shifters" are not allowed.
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TOPIC: Rule 13.3.1 "Short Shifters" are not allowed.

Re:Rule 13.3.1 "Short Shifters" are not allowed. 16 years ago #3773

As an emergency measure, I've used a Nomex sock and zip tires, but something to better seal out funes would be better.

While we're on the shifter subject, the rubber isolaters were shot on my shift lever, and the new ones don't come with them. I drilled and tapped the shift handle onto the lever in the stock position. I had it come off in my hand last year, and feel better with it positively mounted. Anyone have any issues with this?
Eric Kuhns

National Director Emeritus

2007, & 2008 National Champion
2011, 2012 2nd

Re:Rule 13.3.1 "Short Shifters" are not allowed. 16 years ago #3775

Here's my thread on the rebuild of the trans linkage. Doing this, and putting a bushing in the shift lever linkage like previous referenced, took nearly all the play out of the linkage - feels great!

While I had everything out, I went through the rear shifter linkage in my car. I had a few linkages around - these are pretty common as they get taken off blown transmissions or spare transmissions. I found some interesting stuff. Like everything else, the parts vary in condition. What's interesting is that the linkage arms that were visibly corroded on the outside (like they were exposed to a lot of salt), also had worn pins, while the ones that were not, had good hardware. This seemed to correlate more than mileage.

If the outside of your mechanism looks like the one on the left:

Then the shift pin may be galled like the one on the left in this picture. The one on the right cleaned up nicely with some scotchbrite & fit tight with no play.

Another shot where you can see the top pin is tapered & galled some vs the bottom one, which has nice square edges, and minimal pitting (lloks worse in the picture than after it was cleaned up)

So look around for arms that are clean, their associated hardware should be as well. This should help in sourcing good used hardware. Don't forget to put a new M8 nylock nut on there as well when you're done, and re-install the c-clip:

Doing this removed all the play from the rear mechanism, and only required mixing and matching part from my original trans and another blown trans that I had bought for it's LSD. You could also take the mechanism off of any spare trans you have, as you only nee one good shifter mechanism.
Eric Kuhns

National Director Emeritus

2007, & 2008 National Champion
2011, 2012 2nd

Re:Rule 13.3.1 16 years ago #3776

  • Gary_44
  • Seasoned Racer
  • Posts: 228
cullenwinter wrote:

Where did you find fireproof shifter boots ? Are they universal application or made to fit our cars ? Thanks

Universal is the only kind I've seen. Search Simpson Nomex Shift Boot, you'll find a ton of them.
I think this is the one they demo'd with a cutting torch on the Nascar Pre-show yesterday.
\"There are only three sports: bullfighting, motor racing, and mountaineering; all the rest are merely games.\"
--- Ernest Hemmingway
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